• 「湾岸原野」作品紹介

  • 東京湾の埋立地にポカンと広がる造成地を見つけたのは、湾岸道路を走っている時だった。
      以来、埋立原野を訪れるたびに、カエル、トンボ、ザリガニ、ロックミュージシャン、野良犬、電線の破片、暴走族、クローバなどいろいろなものに出会った。 人も土地も全て管理されている都市の中で、ここだけは死角のようにポッカリ穴が開き、動植物がのびのびと深呼吸をしていた。
      私がこの写真を撮っていだ80年代の日本は、千葉市の幕張メッセ、東京十三号埋立地の開発、浦安ベイエリアのホテル群、横浜市のみなとみらい21、東京湾 横断道路など、東京湾岸沿いに大きな開発構想が次々に進展していく時代だった。撮影を始めだ83年から、,89年に撮影を終えるまでにも、東京湾岸の姿は 猛スピードで変わっていった。

    1991年 (H.3) 8月27日

    Po stscript
    This book is a collection of photographs taken between l983
    and 1989. It is a record of my observations of the bleak scenes
    in the areas around Tokyo bay which had been reclaimed
    from the sea. This area is, of course, very close to the
    megalopolis Tokyo , with its great population, centers of
    infTormation and where we can see all around us the advances
    of technology.
    It was a curious and strange experience to be able to see on
    this reclaimed land , in the very ‘back garden’ of the great
    city, the ground rampant with growing things, and wild
    birds and insects hopping all around me as if it were a great
    open field.
    As soon as I set foot on the land I felt as ifl had been set
    free from the squalid life of the big city. At night especially
    the land took on the aspect ofa scene from another planet.
    It gave me the feeling of having wandered by mistake into
    a country with no name and no fTrontiers. Everytime I went
    there it was as ifl had undergone a metamorphosis and was
    just another insect hopping about in another mysterious
    I had been doing a photographical study of Japan in the
    eighties and this coincided with the start of massive
    redevelopment schemes for the Tokyo bay area. The spot
    that I was particularly interested in just happened to be near
    one of these giant projects that was nearing completion.
    Today , that particular development has bex:n completed
    and some of the scenes which can be seen in the photographs
    have now disappeared under a futuristic city.

    August 27 1991
    Katsuhito Nakazato

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