廃材を利用する小屋には 現代の暮らしが求める過剰さが無い。用のために建ち、捷色し、増殖し、生き延びてきた姿にはてらいが無い。 潔さがある。いい加減さがある。
そして今では、気になる小屋が自分のなかに住みつき、いつしか私もそんな小屋の住人になりすましているのだった。2000年 (H.12) 8月27日
中里和人Post Script
There are things that have always been there.
but you have forgotten them.
Then suddenly you realize they are there.
You may not have seen them since your childhood.
Sheds were such things for me.
Often hidden behind a gleamlng new building or a modern house was,
when i finally realized it,a small heart-Warmlng Shed.
That realization was striking,as l believed that quiet.
Simple scenes were disappearing from Japan・
Sheds.made of discarded materials.
are free from the craved excesses of modern life.
Sheds′built for practical uses--the aged,
faded survivors--are Straightforward, unPretentious and carefree・
As i encountered sheds around the country.
I knew i had found another representation of the Japanese taste
for the simple and quiet.
I have fallen in love with some of them:
They have come to live in my heart, and i in them.August27.2000
Katsuhito Nakazato